Extroverted Sensing (Se): Sally is somewhat impatient, and is bored being locked up all the time. She would rather be doing something, and be out with others in town and with Jack. She has a reckless streak, continuously sneaks out, fearlessly leaps out a window and gets herself torn up, and impulsively runs off to rescue Sandy (and gets herself captured). However, she improvises very well, pouring a fog potion in the fountain to try to prevent Jack from leaving, and using her detachable limbs to get herself out of fixes or cause diversions. Sally is a talented potion-brewer. As nobody listened to her warning, she realizes she needs to take action herself.
Introverted Intuition (Ni): Sally envisions a future of herself and Jack together, but is too shy about her feelings to work towards that vision. She gets a premonition of Christmas ending in disaster, and worries about what Jack has gotten everyone into, though she can’t articulate to anyone why it’s true. She wants to enjoy the present moment of the Christmas preparations and fun (Se), but can’t shake off her bad feeling. While she is generally considerate of the future, she sometimes doesn’t see past the current moment (like a longer-term plan than just sneaking out of home all the time, just to get dragged back home) or consequences (getting caught in Oogie’s lair).
Extroverted Thinking (Te): Sally is very sensible. She reasonably tells the doctor why she wants to leave, pointing out he is perfectly capable of creating others like her. Unlike Jack, a strong Ti-user, she doesn’t stop and analyze a situation, and just acts (creating foggy weather, going to save Sandy Claws so he can stop Jack, distracting Oogie). She acts on her emotions, and won’t just come out and tell Jack she loves him. She also isn’t always assertive with people when it would benefit her to be.
Note: I know INFJ is a popular typing, due to the Ni-filled “Sally’s Song”. I originally typed her as an ISFJ, then as an INFJ, then considered INFP. But I’ve realized she is definitely driven by Fi, and uses far too much Se in what she does to be an INFJ. Her Ni also isn’t as strong as a Ni-dom’s would be (Also, using intuition =/= always Intuitive. Sensors use their intuitive functions, too.).