Introverted Thinking (Ti): Belle is intellectually curious and greatly enjoys learning. She sees past appearances, which is why she is willing to stay with the Beast after all despite him frightening her. She knows that just because Gaston is handsome and popular doesn’t necessarily mean he is a kind person. The Beast, like Gaston, was rude and boorish to her, but she notices his kindness when he gives her a better room and then rescues her. Belle isn’t necessarily good at reading people, but she is good at analyzing situations. When she wants Gaston out of her house, she doesn’t tell him to go, but finds a way to him to the door and make him leave anyway. She is fascinated by the many secrets the enchanted castle might hold.
Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Belle is dreamy, yearning to escape her small-town boredom and have "adventure in the great, wide somewhere", never specifying exactly what kind of adventure it is she wants; she just likes the idea of seeing things and getting away from her village of "little people". She loves books, especially fairy tales, because they spark her imagination. She is able to see different sides of people: the rude side of Gaston nobody else in town seems to see, and the gentleness beneath the rude, gruff exterior of the Beast. She wonders what the rose is, and what's its connection to the Beast (or the young man in the portrait, for that matter)?
Reason for retyping: After discussing it with isfjmel-phleg (my MBTI source, I suppose?), I stand corrected; ISFJ makes more sense. She makes far more decisions based on how she is feeling than an INTP would, even though her Ti and Ne are quite well-used.
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