Thursday, February 4, 2016

Anna: ENFP

Taken from my main MBTI blog, MBTI Hipster.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Anna is a big dreamer. Lacking experiencing with romantic relationships and knowing none other than her parents' happy marriage and fairy tales, she romanticizes romance. It is her idealization of what she yearns for that ultimately almost gets herself killed. Elsa is at least as sheltered but still knows not to jump into that true love stuff (though to be fair, Elsa is being more scared than sensible here). She is hugely optimistic and passionately pursues the idea of love after years of loneliness. She spontaneously comes up with new ideas and plans without much logic behind them- marry Hans to escape misery? Go track Elsa down in the middle of the night with wolves around? Bribe some strange, rude ice harvester into guiding her? Cut the rope and HOPE they land softly? Sure!

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Anna is very sweet but fiercely protectively of those she loves. She easily forms close bonds with her Kristoff (albeit after some bickering) and Olaf. She never forgets the closeness she used to have with Elsa, and holds onto their sisterly love for years, even when Elsa ignored her for seemingly no reason, hurting her badly. Her moral compass is strong, and she never sways from it. She later makes the choice to sacrifice herself for Elsa when she had a chance to save her own life.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): While Anna is not the most logical person, she is very determined, and anything she sets her mind to, she does, letting nothing stop her. She forms a plan to get Elsa back and recruits Kristoff, demanding they set the plan in motion immediately to save time. Knowing it was her own fault, she offers to pay for a new sled to replace Kristoff's old one (and goes through with it- also bestowing a new job upon him!).

Introverted Sensing (Si): Anna was unhappy growing up alone, but treasure memories of playing around the castle with her sister. She is bored being all by herself, but has the same ways to amuse herself: jumping on the couches, talking to portraits, consistently knocking on Elsa's door and trying to persuade her to come out, always using their special knocking when she does it. She values traditional romance, and always uses the good manners a princess's upbringing gave her.

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