Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Sally the Ragdoll (ISFP)

Taken from my MBTI Aesthete blog.


Introverted Feeling (Fi): Sally is independent, and guided by an internal set of values that lead her to oppose the idea of adopting Christmas in Halloweentown, even though the man she loves is doing it, along with the whole town. She doesn’t present a rational argument as to why he shouldn’t do it, but rather is against it because it just feels wrong to her, though she doesn’t impose her opinion on others. She doesn’t like the lifestyle Dr. Finkelstein has forced on her, but she still cares for him, and rebels quietly when she can’t take any more. Sally has trouble telling Jack she likes him, instead showing her affection through acts (bringing him dinner and wine when he forgets to eat, helping to make his costume, going to save Sandy). She has a deep bond with Jack, even though she thinks he only sees her as a friend, and would do anything for him.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Sally is somewhat impatient, and is bored being locked up all the time. She would rather be doing something, and be out with others in town and with Jack. She has a reckless streak, continuously sneaks out, fearlessly leaps out a window and gets herself torn up, and impulsively runs off to rescue Sandy (and gets herself captured). However, she improvises very well, pouring a fog potion in the fountain to try to prevent Jack from leaving, and using her detachable limbs to get herself out of fixes or cause diversions. Sally is a talented potion-brewer. As nobody listened to her warning, she realizes she needs to take action herself.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Sally envisions a future of herself and Jack together, but is too shy about her feelings to work towards that vision. She gets a premonition of Christmas ending in disaster, and worries about what Jack has gotten everyone into, though she can’t articulate to anyone why it’s true. She wants to enjoy the present moment of the Christmas preparations and fun (Se), but can’t shake off her bad feeling. While she is generally considerate of the future, she sometimes doesn’t see past the current moment (like a longer-term plan than just sneaking out of home all the time, just to get dragged back home) or consequences (getting caught in Oogie’s lair).

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Sally is very sensible. She reasonably tells the doctor why she wants to leave, pointing out he is perfectly capable of creating others like her. Unlike Jack, a strong Ti-user, she doesn’t stop and analyze a situation, and just acts (creating foggy weather, going to save Sandy Claws so he can stop Jack, distracting Oogie). She acts on her emotions, and won’t just come out and tell Jack she loves him. She also isn’t always assertive with people when it would benefit her to be.
Note: I know INFJ is a popular typing, due to the Ni-filled “Sally’s Song”. I originally typed her as an ISFJ, then as an INFJ, then considered INFP. But I’ve realized she is definitely driven by Fi, and uses far too much Se in what she does to be an INFJ. Her Ni also isn’t as strong as a Ni-dom’s would be (Also, using intuition =/= always Intuitive. Sensors use their intuitive functions, too.).

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Disney's Beauty and the Beast: Belle (ISFJ)

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Belle is well-mannered, very proper, and though she's not stimulated in her village, she never makes a big fuss. It bothers her a little to not fit in with her community. She thinks Gaston is boorish but never snaps at him, just politely engages with him, even when he damages her book. She is able to flatter Gaston to get rid of him, and similarly manipulates Lumiere and Cogsworth so she can sneak off to the West Wing. However, overall, she doesn't always express her deeper emotions (though she WILL assert herself when she needs to) if she thinks it will hurt others, and this almost cost the Beast his life. She doesn't always try to empathize with the other person (but still sometimes expects others to somehow just know how she feels).

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Belle is intellectually curious and greatly enjoys learning. She sees past appearances, which is why she is willing to stay with the Beast after all despite him frightening her. She knows that just because Gaston is handsome and popular doesn’t necessarily mean he is a kind person. The Beast, like Gaston, was rude and boorish to her, but she notices his kindness when he gives her a better room and then rescues her. Belle isn’t necessarily good at reading people, but she is good at analyzing situations. When she wants Gaston out of her house, she doesn’t tell him to go, but finds a way to him to the door and make him leave anyway. She is fascinated by the many secrets the enchanted castle might hold.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Belle is dreamy, yearning to escape her small-town boredom and have "adventure in the great, wide somewhere", never specifying exactly what kind of adventure it is she wants; she just likes the idea of seeing things and getting away from her village of "little people".  She loves books, especially fairy tales, because they spark her imagination. She is able to see different sides of people: the rude side of Gaston nobody else in town seems to see, and the gentleness beneath the rude, gruff exterior of the Beast. She wonders what the rose is, and what's its connection to the Beast (or the young man in the portrait, for that matter)?

Reason for retyping: After discussing it with isfjmel-phleg (my MBTI source, I suppose?), I stand corrected; ISFJ makes more sense. She makes far more decisions based on how she is feeling than an INTP would, even though her Ti and Ne are quite well-used.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Anna: ENFP

Taken from my main MBTI blog, MBTI Hipster.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Anna is a big dreamer. Lacking experiencing with romantic relationships and knowing none other than her parents' happy marriage and fairy tales, she romanticizes romance. It is her idealization of what she yearns for that ultimately almost gets herself killed. Elsa is at least as sheltered but still knows not to jump into that true love stuff (though to be fair, Elsa is being more scared than sensible here). She is hugely optimistic and passionately pursues the idea of love after years of loneliness. She spontaneously comes up with new ideas and plans without much logic behind them- marry Hans to escape misery? Go track Elsa down in the middle of the night with wolves around? Bribe some strange, rude ice harvester into guiding her? Cut the rope and HOPE they land softly? Sure!

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Anna is very sweet but fiercely protectively of those she loves. She easily forms close bonds with her Kristoff (albeit after some bickering) and Olaf. She never forgets the closeness she used to have with Elsa, and holds onto their sisterly love for years, even when Elsa ignored her for seemingly no reason, hurting her badly. Her moral compass is strong, and she never sways from it. She later makes the choice to sacrifice herself for Elsa when she had a chance to save her own life.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): While Anna is not the most logical person, she is very determined, and anything she sets her mind to, she does, letting nothing stop her. She forms a plan to get Elsa back and recruits Kristoff, demanding they set the plan in motion immediately to save time. Knowing it was her own fault, she offers to pay for a new sled to replace Kristoff's old one (and goes through with it- also bestowing a new job upon him!).

Introverted Sensing (Si): Anna was unhappy growing up alone, but treasure memories of playing around the castle with her sister. She is bored being all by herself, but has the same ways to amuse herself: jumping on the couches, talking to portraits, consistently knocking on Elsa's door and trying to persuade her to come out, always using their special knocking when she does it. She values traditional romance, and always uses the good manners a princess's upbringing gave her.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Snow White: ENFJ

Taken from my blog MBTI Hipster.

Extraverted Feeling (Fe): No doubt about it, Snow White is warm, caring, and a social butterfly. She enjoys engaging with others, even the forest animals, and having parties. When she first arrives at the cottage, she assumes it must be orphan children living there and sympathizes with them. She immediately warms up to the Dwarfs and takes over their little cottage like it's her own business as a mother figure. She's outspoken and honest. After being treated like a slave by her only family member, she still wishes to find love and hear "the nice things he'll say". In addition to that, her prayer to make Grumpy like her indicates she needs affirmation from others. She is respectful of others, always mindful of her manners, and likes to tease her friends a little bit to make them laugh, never taking offense herself when Grumpy is rude to her. Her worst flaw in the iconic apple scene is that she is polite to a fault: she can't just tell the "poor old lady" no and be rude! She knows not to let strangers in but her heart reaches out to someone she sees as suffering and has to help them.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Snow White is very dreamy, deeply romantic, and just knows that her prince will find her while she's in hiding (and she's right!). She likes to daydream about her hopes and dreams while she works hard. She believes in fate and magic and after some initial hesitation, she takes the old peddler up on her offer of the magic wishing apple, with its promise to make her dreams come true. She's optimistic to a fault and trusts her instincts, like letting the old lady into the house, despite the dwarfs' warning and the animals' protests.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Snow White can be a little impulsive. Like I said, her first action is to let the old lady into the house without really thinking, and then after some nervousness decides to take a chance and eat the apple to get what she wants. She likes to make herself look good and is embarrassed to have her crush see her in dirty rags. She likes to bake and thinks giving Grumpy a delicious pie might cheer him up. In fact, she convinces them to let them stay by trying to appeal to their sweet tooth!  She's observant and notices how small and dirty the place is and draws conclusions based on that. She's not very adventurous but isn't afraid of being forced out of her comfort zone.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Snow White tends to make more emotionally-based decisions, but she is analytical, deducing who must live at the cottage and easily figures out which Dwarf Grumpy is, sarcastically (if sweetly) pointing it out.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Rapunzel: ESFJ

Taken from my main MBTI blog.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Rapunzel is very warm to everyone she meets. She's a people-person and likes to create a happy environment at home for Gothel. She is charismatic and easily inspires others- she gets everyone at the Snuggly Duckling to open up their feelings to her. She's very friendly and you'd be hard-pressed to find a single person in the movie who dislikes her at all (even Gothel goes out of her way to make her happy for her birthday). Due to the fact that she's something of a people-pleaser, this leads Rapunzel to need validation from others, and feel insecure if she doesn't have it. She can also be over-emotional, panicking when she thinks she may hurt Gothel. (Really, where do people see an ENFP's Fi in her at all?)

Introverted Sensing (Si): Rapunzel likes routine, and keeps to it everyday: chores, crafts, exercise, re-reading her books, and so on-and does these without fail, even though it all starts to bore her. She never misses the lights that appear every year on her birthday, which becomes a special tradition for her. She pays attention to details and remembers them well, like the sun symbol she's painted so much since childhood, and where exactly she's seen it before. She can be passive, doing as Gothel says and sometimes letting Flynn lead for her. She's always been taught that the outside is dangerous and believes it without questioning, because that's how Gothel has always taught her to believe.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Rapunzel has stayed in her tower for 18 years, only leaving when Flynn arrives and presents the possibility of leaving safely. She channels her imagination through her preexisting skills as an artist (Si). She eventually pieces together her backstory just from seeing the sun symbol. She enjoys new ideas, as shown in the "I've Got a Dream" sequence. Her lower Ne makes her very paranoid of bad outcomes, though- will Gothel be hurt? What about all the dangers in the world? Will Flynn really leave her as Gothel warns?

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Rapunzel is curious and wants to figure out who, or what, is behind the lanterns that mysteriously appear every year on her birthday. She is shown to enjoy the logical game of chess and solving puzzles at home. Once she pieces together the truth of her heritage, she is able to objectively look at her "mother" for the first time. She sometimes over-analyzes her own feelings, and can sometimes find creative solutions to problems, like using her hair as a lasso or underwater light. She rationalizes her desire to leave the tower, even while admitting it would be immoral to defy and deceive Gothel, so she won't feel guilty about it. However, she primarily prefers to make decisions based on how she feels.

Gothel is an ESTJ, Flynn is an ENTP, Max is an ENTJ.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ariel: ESFP

 Extroverted Sensing (Se): Ariel is by default a cheerful person who lives in the moment. She happily embraces everything she sees, feels, touches, smells, or hears. She has to experience it all- when she stumbles on a sunken ship, she must look at and touch everything, admire the unique beauty of every single object.When she and Eric visit his kingdom, she must see everything it has to offer and wants him to experience it with her. She craves excitement and adapts quickly. She likes driving the carriage and quickly figures out how to use it, not caring that she's sending them right over a cliff! Ariel is also very opportunistic. When offered a dangerous deal with Ursula, she takes it, no questions asked, knowing she won't have another chance to be human like this. She is a pretty concrete thinking: she can't imagine that humans could be evil if they make such wonderful objects. Her father's strict rule about not going near the humans gets in the way of her fun, therefore it's bad and unfair.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Ariel doesn't believe humans are inherently dangerous, and is frustrated with her father for thinking they are. She doesn't value her culture's traditions, such as the princesses' concert, and doesn't care how bad it may make her look to others for skipping it. She wants her father to accept her for who she is, and is elated that Eric does, that he "gets" her and doesn't mind her quirky nature.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Once Ariel's made her mind up about something, she's quick to do it. She doesn't falter when it comes to decision-making. She is usually level-handed in danger, acting quickly and fearlessly to get herself or others to safety. She willingly accepts Ursula's deal despite knowing how dangerous she is. She enjoys leading, from taking Flounder to the abandoned ship to explore to deciding where she and Eric will go on their little trip to the city.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Though Ariel very much lives in the present and rarely considers the future or its consequences, she is extremely determined in the one goal she has: to become human and make Prince Eric fall in love with her. She intuitively knows the humans are not as bad as her father thinks, despite having no evidence for this belief.

Note: I know it's widely believed that Ariel is an ENFP, but I think many, many Sensors get mistyped as NFs simply for our imaginative sides. Not all ENFPs are quirky Manic Pixie Dream Girls and hyperactive kids. Sensors are very creative thinkers due to our careful observance of the beauty and details around us in the world. Not to mention, Ariel is just far too much of a concrete thinking who lives in the moment to fall into the Intuitive type.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Disney Princesses I Relate to the Most

You might be surprised by some of the rankings !

And ALL credit for photo goes strictly to

13. Ariel

I've never been able to relate that much to Ariel, which may be why she used to be one of my least favorites for a long time. I'm not outgoing, I've got social phobia, I'm more cautious, not that brave, and I'm not rebellious (when I have gone against what my dad wants, it's never big things, and I'd at least try to do it because I felt it was the right thing to do- otherwise, I'm a bit of a rule-follower). I could go on. I will say we're both impulsive, but I'm not dangerously impulsive! It's more because I'm so indecisive and can only make up my mind at the last minute which isn't always good for making wise choices. I think we're probably more alike than I see, but since this is about who I feel I relate to, she's gotta go last.

Too outgoing, adventurous, fearless, and reckless for me.
Too outgoing, adventurous, fearless, and reckless for me.

12. Merida

Merida and I aren't much alike and our interests are totally different. But I do get where she's coming from and like her, I've had a lot of problems with one of my parents as well. It's very frustrating when you don't communicate well with anyone, let alone your parent, who is the one who makes the rules for you. I'm not saying *I* would go to the trouble of making a deal with a witch and giving my mom or dad a magic cake, but I've also blown up at my dad a LOT over the years because he's very immature and I'm very impatient. So I at least understand her frustration. But since I've grown up I don't relate to the feisty/adventurous types much now.

Similar family problems, but too much of a willful tomboy.
Similar family problems, but too much of a willful tomboy.

11. Mulan

I don't think Mulan and I are totally different at all, but I've never particularly related to her either. When I watch the movie I don't really agree or disagree with anything she says or does. I don't know, I just feel rather neutral towards her here. But I do see similarities. We hold family high,we're rather awkward and dislike conflict. Though now that I think of it, I would probably also act similarly if I had to pretend to be a man. I'd be totally unsure of what to say that wouldn't give me away. Neither of us is outspoken until we're really determined about something. We're resourceful and analytical, but obviously she's much more so than I am because, well, Mulan kind of turns into a Mary Sue halfway into the movie where she can kick every guy's butt at everything and has no negative flaws for real people to relate to.

Socially awkward (where do people get 'outspoken' from?), loyal and analytical, but an alien situation to me, and much braver.
Socially awkward (where do people get 'outspoken' from?), loyal and analytical, but an alien situation to me, and a little too perfect to relate to.
 10. Snow White

When I was 16 and my dad got custody of me, I was totally in love with Snow White and understood her so well. I'm less silly and idealistic like her now, but I still relate to her in ways. I can be motherly and bossy too, and love a good romance. However, I've realized now she's much more outgoing and proactive than I am. I'd feel awkward waking up to see all those strange guys around me, and I'd probably have a harder time faring for myself in a strange situation. But a couple people told me I'm strong for getting through abuse, which is why I connected to her so much when I was younger. She NEVER lets anything bad get her down. Even when I feel depressed and negative, it's pretty easy to get me into a good mood again. We both easily see the beauty and goodness in life and people. She's only at 5 because the top 4 are a little more like me.But let me just say, her differences from me (outspokenness, confidence, leadership skills) are exactly why she's my role model, because I lack those traits!

Similar childhoods, naturally sees good, but more of a leader and none of my flaws.
Similar childhoods, naturally sees good, but more of a leader and none of my flaws
9. Elsa

On the surface I can see many similarities between us: we yearn for company like anyone else but also love solitude, we're artistic, quiet, and follow the rules. And speaking of her artsy side, I love the way she chooses to channel her angst- through art! She makes a whole palace! But even when I was way into the Frozen hype I had a hard time understanding where Elsa was coming from. I'm not sure if that's just me or inconsistent writing in the movie. I didn't get why she never even tried another way to control her powers, why she sent a snow monster after Anna, why she spends the whole movie trying to avoid hurting people if she's just gonna try to kill those guards, etc. Plus I tend to want to trust people more than she does. I'm not a big optimist, but I don't see the worst side of things either. But Elsa isn't that low because I still relate to the general aspects of her calm, quiet personality. If we could see more of her personality I might be able to see if I relate to her more.

Superficially similar, but difficult to relate to, especially her situation. I don't think she's "fierce" at all, either.
Superficially similar, but a bit difficult to relate to, especially her situation. I don't think she's "fierce" at all, either.

8. Rapunzel:

When I became apart of the Disney fandom for real a couple years ago, Rapunzel was the first modern princess I truly felt connected to. I hadn't seen Tangled yet and I was curious (it never looked that good to me but everyone said it was). I watched "When Will My Life Begin?" on youtube and just loved her! Like her, all I did was the same thing everyday (but for me, work- I would much rather have done domestic things all day because frankly homemaking sounds awesome to me) and wanted to get out and see more of life, but I couldn't. So I mostly relate to her for that song. But I also love art and have tons of hobbies. I hate being bored! I'd love to see the floating lights as a summer trip, but honestly I do not connect with her over those. I don't see the big deal- I thought the whole point of going was to see WHO is sending them and why, and I would have tried to find out, but she doesn't, she just sees them, and I never understood why. I would've felt like it was a huge waste of time if I never did what I meant to do there after all that traveling and danger I got into. I also wouldn't defy my parents that way and rationalize it. At best I probably just refused to clean my room when he was getting on my nerves growing up. Anyway, like with Belle they seemed to make her a little too perfect in their attempts at making both universally easy to relate to, but Rapunzel is made to be the quirky girl next door you could be best friends with in real life who is open with her emotions, and I relate to her more easily for this.

Designed to be relatable for everyone like Belle with a dorky personality and the "wanting more" goal, but a little too perfect and rebellious.
Designed to be relatable for everyone like Belle with a dorky personality and the "wanting more" goal, but a little too perfect and rebellious.
7. Jasmine
 It's said that what annoys us in others can tell us about ourselves, and I agree for the most part here. The things that annoy me most about Jasmine are some of the things I'm trying to overcome in myself: how quick she is to get annoyed and her sassy mouth. I'm a little impatient with people I think are being rude, although I wouldn't show it like she does. I know I can get really self-righteous in my anger when I think something is unfair or unjust. So some of my flaws are more like her's, but I would never take what I have for granted on such a big scale like that. I would also never resort to seducing Jafar like that! But still, I can identify with her better qualities, like her resourcefulness, honesty, and need to be true to ourselves. I would like to get out and see more of the world and I absolutely HATE people talking about me or my life like I'm not there too.

Relatable flaws and reactions; wants "more" but doesn't necessarily care about only that.
Relatable flaws and reactions; wants "more" but doesn't necessarily care about only that.

6. Tiana:

I think Tiana is very hard for most romance-loving, adventurous Disney fans to relate to for the same reasons I do relate to her: I may be imaginative and daydream a lot but I'm pretty grounded too. I'm very religious, but I try being reasonable and not just expect something to work just because I have the confidence. I also don't believe wishing on stars really does anything (though I do believe in fate). Mostly, though, it's her situation I relate to. I'm around her age and all I do is work! But unlike her, I would love to take a vacation; I just can't afford it. It feels like all I do is work. I don't have a specific goal like her, but I am a hard worker and I would treat Naveen the same way if he was that rude to me. I'm also opinionated, want my work to have some purpose to it, and want to make my parents proud of me. We're still pretty different in ways (I'm not nearly as ambitious, and I think she's too judgmental towards other people). However, I don't really look down on people for not being as obsessed with hard work and ambition as she is.

Sassy, practical working girls. Nuff said. VERY different desires, though.
Opinionated, practical working girls. Nuff said. VERY different desires, though.

5. Anna
Ah, Anna. I thought you'd be a generic spirited young lady, and yet here you are this high! I was very surprised how strongly I related to Anna. the more I analyze the sisters, the more I understand Anna and the less I get Elsa. (Sorry, Elsa.) I have had bouts of loneliness, even though I'm much less socially bold than she is, and I also liked the wrong guy once. We're both VERY AWKWARD. No kidding. At least, cute/smart guys definitely make me feel this way too. People at work think I'm shy and "need to smile more" but I've always considered myself happy and light-hearted like Anna, honestly, and just because I'm not adorably smiley like she is doesn't mean I can't feel optimistic and happy on the inside. She's MUCH braver and more reckless than I am, but I still connect with her a lot. I also love an anti-social guy who likes antlered animals (moose, though, not reindeer), love animals, am very honest about my feelings. We're impulsive to a degree, but less so than Ariel so I relate more to her for that.

Naturally light-hearted, awkward dorks who shouldn't listen to our hearts so much.
Naturally light-hearted, awkward dorks who shouldn't listen to our hearts so much.
4. Belle

I used to not relate to Belle at all, which is why she used to annoy me so much, I guess. I never understood her, like why she never had an adventure if she wanted one soooo badly. Well, now I see it's just because she's too loyal and responsible to go. I would be the same way. I also didn't get that she's just lonely, which is how I feel a lot of the time now. I also don't have a lot of people I can confide in and my boyfriend doesn't even live in my country. I also love books, but hobbies don't make me relate to a character. I like to think I'm more grateful for what I have and I'm not as brave. But looking back, I can kind of see some similarities- I'm a bit of a Disney snob like she's kind of an intellectual snob, we love solitude but still want to connect to people, and a part of me still wants adventure "in the great wide somewhere" while I'm stuck in this place. And we're both kind of hipsters. When I was a teen I had this annoying "I'm deep and intellectual and hardly anyone else is" phase too. All right, I still like some hipster stuff and enjoy being different (hopefully not in a special snowflakey way). But we deal with people very different- she usually stands up for herself without thinking if it'll get her into trouble, while I sometimes don't if it isn't worth the trouble. I'm very open about how I feel, and when Belle doesn't do this the Beast almost dies. But I'm surprised how much I can identify her, really, even if she's not my favorite, which shows you don't necessarily have to like someone to relate to their feelings or situation.

Fantasy escapist hipsters, but different ways of thinking and dealing with people.
Fantasy escapist hipsters, but different ways of thinking and dealing with people.
3. Cinderella

By this point, it's REALLY hard to rank them because I relate to them almost equally. The list might change later on.Some people have said it's only Cinderella's story that everyone can relate to, not Cinderella herself. Well, for some maybe, but I think anyone can relate to her personality. Who hasn't felt frustrated by unfair circumstances beyond their control? Or felt like taking it on out someone else (ahem, Lucifer)? Or fall right away for the first guy who treats you well? The general bits aside, I very much relate to Cinderella's personality. I suppose this is partly why I've always seen her as a very realistically written heroine. She's so frustrated with her unfortunate lot in life but she's a naturally upbeat person who is good at stuffing that frustration to save herself pain. I'm not stuck with an abusive parent anymore, but I VERY much connect to that, even now. I'm stuck working a job I don't think I'm that good at and I'm constantly frustrated with being around hordes of people all the time, thanks to social phobia. I'm pretty stoic and my mom used to get so angry when I didn't show emotion when she wanted me to (so she could yell at me more, as I'm sure Tremaine wanted Cindy to). She has plain resentment and even a temper she can't always hide, and I'm that way as well, and I don't even have her level of admirable patience. We're also quiet, not really solid optimists OR pessimists in general, like fashion, and are pretty protective of our pets/family.

Stoic but daydreaming realists with relatable backgrounds, flaws, and attitudes toward our lives.
Stoic but daydreaming realists with relatable backgrounds, flaws, and attitudes toward our lives.
2. Aurora

Of all the princesses that get called too perfect, I understand why Aurora is accused of this the least. Half the time she's criticized as weak, so how can she be both flawed and perfect at the same time? I'm a lot like her and I'm sure not perfect. I'm not just awkward around strangers, I'm phobic. I don't know what to say to guys either, and I can be pretty flustered if I have to make a quick decision like that. I love that we have such an introverted, shy princess who is allowed to stay that way and not have to change into a more outspoken person! Maybe it's because I've spent tons of time analyzing Aurora, but I don't think she's really as hard to relate to as people say. Are you telling me nobody has ever both loved their guardians but resented their overprotectiveness/rules? Or, like I said with Cindy, crushed on the first guy you connect with? And her imaginative side too. (On another note, Elsa has roughly 20 minutes of screen time to match Aurora's 20 minutes, so why is one seen as so ~relatable~ and the other as too unrelatable and hard to understand?) Now, there's several different types of intelligence. I took a quiz on it and apparently I've got the intrapersonal ("self-reflective") kind where you wonder about your own life and are very aware of your emotions and how you'd react to future circumstances. I believe Aurora is the same way (I might have to do an article on what type each DP has now). I always think about my life, my past, and well as things I'd love to have happen but know they probably won't ("But... it's only in my dreams..."). I'm so quiet and stoic-looking I always wonder if people see me as cold, but if you know me you'll know how emotional I am. Like Aurora, sometimes I listen a little too much to my heart and this can cause disappointment, and we both try to do the right thing, even if we would rather actually do what our hearts want. Really, I could write an essay on how alike I think we are, which should tell you something about Aurora supposedly being a two-dimensional character.

Abundance of flaws, values, and attitudes shared between two artistic, reserved, fragile escapists.
Abundance of flaws, values, and attitudes shared between two artistic, reserved, fragile escapists.

1. Pocahontas

I'm so glad people have been studying Pocahontas' character more, because it's opened my eyes to what a good character she is. I can identify strongly with some things she goes through- not war, of course, but for years, and right now, I'm still struggling to find out what my purpose in life is. What is my destiny? How will I know when to act to fulfill it? Like with Pocahontas, this can cause me to seem passive to others and be indecisive. And like her, I do pray for guidance which can REALLY make me look passive and indecisive. I do also lean on the advice of others quite a bit- I don't know everything about every situation and I like seeing things from different perspectives to figure out the best way of dealing with a problem before acting on it. We both REALLY want to make sure we're doing the morally right thing and not just be blindly proactive. I also love nature too- if I had her kind of freedom, I'd love to be able to explore and see every hill and tree and "go wherever the wind takes me". I've admitted this a lot too- I can be preachy. Pocahontas has a WHOLE SONG where she does nothing but preach about respecting people and the earth. It's hard for us both to just get to the point when there's SO much to say! I also hate conflict. I mean, I argue with my friend and boyfriend a lot, but it's mostly in jest. I HATE too much negativity in the air. In relation to this, we don't always speak up for ourselves. Like I mentioned with Belle, I won't mention how I feel if it'll just cause needless drama. I try to when I see the need to though. Pocahontas also doesn't always stand up for herself (and this causes a domino effect of trouble). The only things I don't really relate to are her rebellious side and some of the INSANELY daring stuff she does. I ain't even standing on the edge of a cliff, much less diving off like some Olympic athlete.

Spiritual nature-lovers who dislike conflict, share flaws, and desire to find our purposes in life.
Spiritual nature-lovers who dislike conflict, share flaws, and desire to find our purposes in life.
So, I tend to relate to the more emotional, perceptive, artsy-but-also-proper girls, especially if they're introverts. I've never related to many outgoing girls, despite Anna and Snow White being fairly high, but Snow White isn't as bold about it as Ariel and Anna is pretty dorky for a sociable person. I try to analyze the heroines more before just connecting to them for the usual superficial reasons people list (i.e. "Belle and I are just alike because we like reading!" or "I relate to Aurora because we love to sleep !"). I mean, they're all well-rounded characters, so why not look deeper since you can? ;)