Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Obviously big Disney freak here. I post on some other sites about Disney (if you'd like links to my tumblr or fanpop account, just ask), but I wanted my own place to post reviews and such. I'll probably write about the Disney Princesses the most, but non-Princess movies may be reviewed as well; it just depends on what I'm able to get my hands on!

Some things to know:

1. I prefer Classic Disney heroines to modern. I'm aware that the newer ones, particularly the Renaissance girls, are more popular, but I find that the ones Walt himself created are more admirable AND interesting. While I also love many modern Disney movies, I think most of the older ones that had Walt's direct influence on were objectively the best.

2. I'll try not to let politics get into the blog too much, but I'll probably refer to feminism a few times. I don't support it, but like it or not, feminism has effected Disney and feminists themselves have a lot to say about the films. I'm also a Christian, so many of my beliefs will effect how I see a character or movie.

3.  Not entirely a hipster. I like the clothes, music, and hipster memes, but I thought it was just a catchy name for someone who's a bit of a Disney snob. ;)

4. The title- "But we've met before"? I got the idea looking up names for a Disney blog and came across this on tumblr (though it was "I've met you before", I think). Sleeping Beauty is IMO the most objectively well-done Disney movie besides Fantasia and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the lovely lyrics have a timeless, fairy tale feel to them, so I felt they were the best to reference in the title. Besides... meeting in a dream... doesn't get much more Disney or fairy tale-esque than that! The header photo? SWAT7D is my favorite Disney film ever other than The Lion King, and the ending is the most beautiful by far, so I had to use that shot.

5. I've been told I'm pretty honest, and I don't say that to brag. I can be a little too harsh sometimes with how I feel, so if I offend you, don't take it personally. And hey, discussions in the comments section are always welcome!

Have faith in dreams,


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