Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What Is a Rose Without Thorns?

Aurora is my other favorite Disney princess (I must post a list soon!). It would seem I am one of the only few- over age eight, perhaps, that is. So many people don't seem to remember her- I'd be rich if I had a nickel for every person who misnamed her "Sleeping Beauty", though nobody calls Belle "Beauty" or Ariel "Little Mermaid" so what gives?- and some even dislike her. "She's got no screen time! All she does is sleep and sing! SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY!!" She has roughly the same amount of time Frozen favorite Queen Elsa does, who is beloved despite, to me, her personality shown very little. And no- she does much more than "sleep and sing". She dances, she cries, she dreams she hopes, she stutters, she sasses. You could very well say the same for the other girls: that all Mulan does is "be a man". All Belle does is read. All Ariel does is want mooooore. But that's silly. You and I both know every one of them does much more than what they may be famous for doing or being. She also has a lot of personality... much more so than many of the newer, so-called more "realistic" heroines, I think. In fact, it's probably being "unrealistic" as they call it that makes her personality that more standout to me. I adore Aurora and wish she got more love! Or at least, respect.


 Now, what do I love about her?

1. Her sense of duty.

By far Aurora's best strength. Few heroines put their people or duty before themselves, because it takes a huge amount of emotional strength to, as humans are basically selfish beings. Some of you say Aurora lacks a backbone, and that is the only reason why she does this. Could be, but I don't think so. We see from what time we have of her onscreen that she is pretty obedient and doesn't like to rebel. This is bad? No, she's being mature. She doesn't like conflict or hurting
people's feelings, like her "aunts", who of course would feel bad if she ran away. She also probably knows how foolish it would be to run away as a young girl with no money or protection. She doesn't know the kingdom or her parents but gives up being with Phillip or any goals she had in mind to accept her position as ruler. I think she really cares about people more than herself for the most part and I love this about her because I wish I was more like that. I  love how while she obviously grieves Philip and her old life, and is probably nervous about being a ruler, she goes to the castle anyway and doesn’t even throw a fit. She stays positive during her isolation like Anna and never runs away to have an adventure with Philip as many of the new ones probably would have done (not to bash them, but you know, they definitely are known to do that more). I think she’s a strong person, just not in the typical loud, sword-wielding way we're supposed to see as strong today. Though it may sound cliche, true strength lies without, not in your weapons, hobbies, or sassmouth.
credit: disneyscreencaps

2. Her personality.

I don't care how many people say she hasn't got one, or if she does, it's weak. You can think that, but I feel compelled to point out that unlike a lot of characters who have little screen time, we learn a lot from her in hers. We learn she's elegant, shy but confidant around her friends, mature but very playful, a bit of a "cheerful pessimist" (she's cheerful for the most part but lets things get her down easily), she's a hopeless romantic, she wants to do the right thing, and she loves daydreaming. Sounds like a personality to me. I also love that, for once, we have a shy, timid character who DOESN’T have to change that part about her! And she isn't an idiot. Why do people think this? She's strong enough to shake herself of the spell for a brief moment.Though she's very dreamy, she lives in the moment and doesn't take those dreams very seriously. She's also smart enough to tell Phillip to go to the house to meet her again, NOT alone. She's philosophical about life, probably from long years of having no new company to talk to. She feels intensely- she adores the idea of love, and reacts very emotionally when discovering her dreams must die so she can accept the throne she never asked for. After studying her personality a bit I can relate to her a lot, but I'll tell you that unlike her, I don't make being socially awkward and stuttering look half as charming. I'm often conflicted about what is the right thing to do but I'm very loyal and want to choose the right path. I love her personality and wish I was that graceful and confident as she is by the end of the movie. I wish people would stop negatively judging her so quickly from a surface level and give her a chance. I find her inspiring!

3. Her beauty.

Maybe it's shallow to list, but I think she's just gorgeous. A blonde Audrey Hepburn with a dash of Vivien Leigh. She makes me feel good about having a long face and high forehead. There's nothing unattractive about her. Her looks are striking and unique with a slightly cartoony but lovely figure. (Maybe it's the corset making her waist impossibly tiny.) I don't dislike a thing about her appearance. I also find her voice gorgeous- like her appearance, it's just angelic and flawless! I love operatic voices. They give me the shivers and are just full of beauty, which adds to her looks. 

4. Her flaws.

This kind of goes with personality but I wanted to show she does have flaws and is no more perfect than any other DP. Sure, she has elegance and seems impossibly good, but she was supposed to appear that way. Cuz it's a fairy tale and that's how girls appear in them. Anyway, she wants more freedom but doesn't ask for it. I think it's partly because she's loyal but also partly because she might be too afraid of conflict. She strikes me as the type who might not stand up for herself much; kind of unassertive. I definitely relate to that. I can be rude if I'm angry enough at someone. I don't want that so I usually say nothing to people. She gets flustered when faced with a strange person, and doesn't know what to say. Her attitude towards Phillip changes quickly, as she can't make her mind up! (Hey, she thought the forest was empty as it has been her whole life.) She's also a bit of a pessimist. She has a merry personality and doesn't give up, till she feels her life is over (and in a way it was). I don't fault her for that, but it is rather pessimistic. 

5. Her place in the Disney Princesses.

Each DP brings something unique to the franchise the others don't. Rapunzel brings the everygirl free-spirited sweetness. Cinderella brings the hope and dignity of a humble girl who has earned her happy ending. Jasmine brings the idea that social class and money don't matter with love. What does Aurora bring? She brings the idea that true love conquers all, that through sheer willpower you can make the best of your situation no matter how unsatisfying you find it, and that putting others first, even if you don't know them, is the noblest thing to do. They all bring great things in lessons in one form or another, and just because you may not prefer the dreamy wallflower types who do as their parents tell them to doesn't mean they don't have their own strength and lesson to teach. At some point I'll probably make a list of what each of them bring.

So yes, there's much beauty to see in our fair Rose. She's not without thorns- flaws- as she is a flawed, well-rounded individual most could relate to if they saw past face value of her beauty and "falling asleep".

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